Science fiction book cover artists

Terry goodkind apologises after insulting cover of his own book. Heavily influenced by the likes of yves tanguey and picasso, his delightful. Many of the artists are known for their work in both the fantasy and sf fields. Im a freelance book cover artist, illustrator and concept artist from the uk.

Scifi artists and illustrators list, freelance artist. The pair describe the book as one that aims to tell the whole history of the genre in a new way, and to make the case that science fiction art. I am creating science fiction book covers and covers for other genres. You might recognize the work of the dean of science fiction artists frank kelly freas from the cover of queens 1977 album news of the world. I dont do any traditional illustration, nor do i do graphic work titles, etc. Book cover design services by book cover designers fiverr. Home labs random about this is the sister site of vintage ad browser. Her artistic skills bring to life and capture the essence of a story in her cover art. His scifi style is smooth, clean, and with bright colors. Melissa richet thebookcoverrealm 15 comments take a look at my scifi covers, and contact me so that we can create your unique cover. A new book aims to explore the glorious history of scifi. Artists who have won the hugo award, the world fantasy award, or the chesley award are noted, as are inductees into the science fiction hall of fame. Artists known exclusively for their work in comic books are not included.

When using illustration or an image on a book cover, its helpful for scifi and fantasy writers to show original images to help set themselves apart from the other. Duncan long is a magazine and book illustrator who has created cover illustrations for harpercollins, ps publishing, pocket books, ilex, fort ross, asimovs science fiction magazine, moonstone books, amazing stories magazine, isfic press, and many other. Ya, fantasy and science fiction book cover art ravven. His work with bookfly and his experience as an audiobook cover designer have given him the opportunity to create hundreds of covers across a wide range of genres and authors. A look at the colorful history of scifi book covers use this link to get a 30 day free trial of vrv premium. Examples of book cover designs for the science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal genres created by bookflys designer. The history and cover art of science fiction published by penguin books from 1935 to the present day. Acquiring professional, eyecatching cover art is a key step to publishing a book. List of science fiction and fantasy artists wikipedia. The covers shes done for me have not only won her awards and nominations for her work but also helped increase book sales for me. Select the right freelancer to meet your needs and budget. Each book cover is 100% exclusive and sold only once. Stephen hickman has painted over 350 science fiction and fantasy book covers since 1976. Science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal book cover.

Book covers presented at cover browser are republished within a fair use context. Book cover design portfolio deranged doctor design book. Gotschalk after a seven days march through woodland, the traveler directed towards baucis cannot see the city and yet he has arrived. The artist, who has designed book covers for authors. Richard powers is one of my favorite science fiction cover artists. Science fiction wouldnt be what it is today without the greatest scifi artists of all time. The finest quality science fiction and fantasy covers on the market. Hundreds of unique premade scifi book covers created by professional designers. Links to book cover illustrators, book artists, and book. Most artists who work for large publishing companies charge. High quality book covers for selfpublished writers. Send us your terrible covers so we can document the carnage to our eyes. Below are some of the covers made by bookflys designer. Cover art directory by genre science fiction cover artist.